Lil' Bout Me

Hi. I'm Jenny Redfern {yes, just like Where the Redfern Grows}. Some people call me "J." Others call me "J-Red-10." Still others call me "Redfern." But you should just stick with "Jenny."

I'm a senior journalism major, and I'm Editor-in-Chief of The Threefold Advocate. I play basketball, exercise like crazy, and cheer on my beloved Razorbacks whenever I get the chance.

But those are the things I do, not who I am.

I am daughter to the best parents a girl can ask for. I am a sister to three younger, yet taller, brothers. I am friend to the most amazingly crazy girls you will ever meet. I am housemate to seven beautiful women. I am girlfriend to this super cute, dimpled boy. 

But those are the people I love, not who I am.

I am, first and foremost, a child of the King. I am ambitious and outgoing and friendly, yet the most competitive person you will ever meet. God created me with a passion for writing and sharing people's stories, including my own. And I'm learning day by day what it means to give up control of my life and put it in the hands of the One who knows best.

I'm excited to see where God takes me in the upcoming years. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

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